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What you need to understand more than any other time is simply here is to survive or navigate for success. Now you were made for this moment especially when you can start to feel that finish line you can see the top of the mountain when you know everything is about to be on the line your greatest test awaits but here is one of the greatest secrets I have ever told to you that test is not about right now, it's not even about the future .its about the foundation you have already been feeling and trusting yourself to BE YOU it's not about those times you could have said no but you didn't how you like so many others could have taken an easy road but you opted for something greater no my friend is an obstacle before you are not where you prove or make or create yourself its where you simply verify who you already are cash in on a price that's been years in the making its where you validate the price you have been paying for as long as you  remember there a saying that pain is temporary but quitting is forever and that simple code changed the life of many people because to put it temporarily when you overwhelmed were admist life chaos our minds don't scream out , you have gotten this before and you get through it again they don't reming of our strengths or reassure us of our dedication no when we feel like we are neek deep in chaos all we see that we are not that's why people quit tey become consumed with the dark forgetting that the answer is a light switch away overlooking the fact the they are having all thing the already things  let this be your reminder that getting across the finish line doesn't require some miracle does mt require you to do what no one in humanity has ever done before no all it asks is tat you belive in yourself to hang on where others would le tgo t continue forward hen you most want to turn back because its darkest before the dawn most challenging at the peak when the road of the crowd become audible and tat trophy is visible find it within yourself to rise eamidts thepressure not to shrink but to expand to be the most powerful person in your life because right now in this moment you have arrived years from now when you look back make sure you remember one thing abut this moment that you gave everything you had that you leaned in all those late nights in all early morning wake up the hours upon hours on the books the preparation the dedication and the resienace that who knew who are and let it menifist and lead you into the future so we all find ourselves at this fork n the road the one  where we have a decision to make will I exist or thrive and in the race of life its when our hearts pound in our hearts the blood flows through our veins our lungs cry out for air our minds beg us to stop slow down, relax , its that in moment that we must carry on we must be our best we must put all those little pieces together to create our masterpiece to breath life into the foundation that you have been standing on this moment is yours if you are willing to endure to hang a little bit longer just gaive a little bit more if your willing to put all of your self into tahtetask before you you may just be amazed and what life gives back you can do this you're so close to finish line don't you dare to give up 

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